Friday, December 4, 2009


Last night and early this morning in Las Vegas Nevada I sustained some frost damage on the farm. I am not positive of the full extent of the damage. This morning when I pulled the covers off the crops I found that most of the damage appeared to be to the tomatoes. I am very, very disappointed. Those tommie's have been around since the spring time and were just now starting to produce some award winning fruits.

The rest of the crops appeared to survive the night. I took a gamble on the pot that has the snap peas growing in it and as of this morning they were looking good.

There is supposed to be another frost tonight so I think that will completely wipe out my tomato crop. I guess that is good since I want to do a full reconfiguration of my farm. I will update some photos this weekend for anyone that visits this amazing farm blog. Don't forget to check out

1 comment:

  1. Joe, I hope the crops pull through this winter on Joe's Farm. All of us back East are keeping you (and the winter harvest) in our prayers.

    Big J
    A fellow farming enthusiast
