Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Guess This Plant

Out here on Joes Farm in the the heart of the mojave desert in Las Vegas, Nevada we seem to have a mystery plant. I thought it might have been a brussel sprout plant. Then I looked up pictures of the brussel sprout on the internet and found that it infact was not. So I have decided to hold a fun and educational contest here on Joes Farm.

Guess this plant!
Please leave a comment on what the hell this thing is.


  1. Dear Joe's Farm, I believe this to be a weed. Approximately 2 harvesting seasons ago on our agricultural estate we encountered a similar species on the western edge of our land. We had the plant genus identified by an independent specialist associated with the Marcellus Planting Group, but we at the agricultural estate cannot recall the name. Good luck with the contest!

  2. I believe it's a hops plant.


    This blog is fantastic and I plan to tell ALL my friends about it.

  3. We think its a mallow - get rid of it! A.Sh & Ju

  4. A highly invasive species know as weedus magnanimus. Stop it before it spreads and starts growing in your house.
